Enrolment Information
If you would like to enrol your child/ren at Maungatapere School please contact the school office for enrolment forms and information and to arrange a time to meet with the Principal, view the school or discuss any queries. Our school does have an Enrolment Zone in place, so automatic entry is dependent on living within our Home Zone. See below for links to the Home Zone description and map and for further information for New Entrant Enrolments or Out Of Zone Enrolments.
The school appreciates early notification (when your child turns 4) of up-coming new entrant enrolments in order to help us plan ahead with staffing and classes. Enrolment forms can be completed at this time or closer to the start date if preferred.
Contact is generally made again approximately two months prior to the child starting to finalise enrolment details and organise school visits. The school welcomes visits to the school and classroom to see our programme in action and to aid pre-schoolers in the transition to school process, this generally involves several half days and full days in the new entrant class but can vary depending on the needs of the child. It is also an opportunity to come along and meet with the Principal and New Entrant teacher, if you have not done so already, where we can discuss any concerns you may have, advise of items your child will need and go over school routines etc.
Enrolment forms and further information are available by contacting the school office. A birth certificate or passport and immunisation details are required for all new entrant enrolments.
The following is what you need to provide when your child/ren starts:
Completed Enrolment form and permission slips with accurate information relating to family, address and contact numbers.
Evidence of date of birth eg. Birth Certificate, Passport (new entrant enrolments only)
Immunisation Certificate.
Morning tea and lunch that includes healthy snacks.
A lunch box or bag to support our take home rubbish policy.
Appropriate stationery.
Named clothing etc. so finding the owner is easy.
Our enrolment scheme has been adopted to meet the provisions of section 11A of the Education Amendment Act 2000.
All children, other than Fee Paying International Students, whose usual place of residence is within the geographic area defined in the Maungatapere School Enrolment are entitled to enrol at Maungatapere School.
To view click here: Maungatapere School Enrolment Zone description & Zone Map
Each year the Board can determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The exact number of places will depend on the number of enrolments received from students who live within the school's home zone. The Board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. The notice will specify a date by which all out-of-zone applications must be received and the date the ballot will be held. Parents of students who live within the home zone should also enrol their children by this date to assist the school to plan appropriately for next year. These ballots will normally take place by the end of October, for children to start in the following year.
For the 2025 school year the Board has yet to determine the number of spaces that will be available.
The exact number of places will depend on the number of enrolments received from students who live within the school's home zone:
- The deadline for receipt of out of zone applications is usually mid September 2024.
- If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available students will be selected by
ballot. If a ballot is required, it will be held after the applications have closed. Refer below for ballot procedure.
Click here to download an Out of Zone Application Form
You are welcome to lodge your application for an out of zone enrolment at any time through the year before the deadline. Your application will be retained and included in the next ballot.
Applications for out of zone enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority, as required by the Education Act;
First Priority will be given to students who are applying for a place in a special programme run by the school and approved by the Secretary for Education (not applicable for our school).
Second Priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
Third Priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
Fourth Priority will be given to applicants who are children of board employees.
Fifth Priority will be given to all other applicants.
If there are more applicants, in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. If there are more places available than there are applicants, a ballot will not be necessary and those applying will be accepted onto the school roll.
Caregivers will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within 3 school days of the advertised date.